📄️ /challenges
Manages the challenge.
📄️ /settings
This command opens the Settings GUI.
📄️ /timer
This command is used to manage the timer of the plugin.
📄️ /language
This command is used to change the language of the plugin.
📄️ /reset
This command is used to reset the world and the current challenge.
📄️ /locate
This command is used to locate nearby structures.
📄️ /up
This command is used to teleport to the top.
📄️ /day
This command sets the time to day.
📄️ /night
This command sets the time to night.
📄️ /heal
This command restores the health of a player.
📄️ /feed
This command restores the hunger of a player.
📄️ /fly
This command enabled or disables flying for a player.
📄️ /invsee
This command shows the inventory of a player.
📄️ /skip
This command allows you to skip instructions in different challenges.
📄️ /world
This command allows you to teleport to different worlds.
📄️ /team
This command allows players to change their team in a TeamVS challenge.