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Configurations for the plugin

The plugin has a config.yml file that allows you to change certain settings of the plugin. It il located at plugins/ChallengeSystem/config.yml.

Example config.yml:

# _______ ____ #
# / ___/ / ___ _/ / ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ #
# / /__/ _ / _ `/ / / -_/ _ / _ `/ -_(_-< #
# \___/_//_\_,_/_/_/\__/_//_\_, /\__/___/ #
# /___/ #
# Config file for general settings
# Make sure to keep ' '

# enables additional logging. Please enable this if sending a bug report
debug: false

# the language of the plugin. Can be changed via the /language command
language: EN_en

# enables permissions for the plugin. If disabled, everyone can use all commands
enable-permissions: true

# the plugin will send a message when a new update is available
update-info: true

# premium mods will be marked as such
premium-info: true

# settings gui will be ordered for easier search
ordered-gui: false

# mods will display the version they were added in
version-info: false

# recently added mods will be marked as such
new-info: true

# periodically shows a message in the actionbar when the challenge is inactive
challenge-info: true

# automatically changes the layout of the timer for certain mods
timer-auto-layout: true

# enables a custom motd for the server
enabled: true
text: '&9ChallengeSystem &7by &6Spoocy99 &8| &7edit config.yml'

# enables a custom tablist for the server
enabled: true
- '&8&m--------------------&r&8{&9NETWORK&8}&8&m--------------------'
- '&7 '
- '&7Welcome, &9{PLAYER}'
- '&7You are playing on &9Challenge-Server'
- '&7 '
- '&7 '
- '&8{ARROW_RIGHT} &7You are using Version &9{VERSION}&7!'
- '&8{ARROW_RIGHT} &7Open settings with &9&l/settings&7!'
- '&7 '

enabled: true
default: '&7{NAME}'
op: '&4{NAME}'
team: '&e#{TEAM} &8| &7{PLAYER} &7[&e{SCORE}&7]'

# Values are CUSTOM, DEFAULT or OFF
type: CUSTOM
message: '&a{ARROW_RIGHT} &7{0}'

# Values are CUSTOM, DEFAULT or OFF
type: CUSTOM
message: '&c{ARROW_LEFT} &7{0}'

# should a message be sent if a player dies. Values are CUSTOM, DEFAULT or OFF
type: CUSTOM
message: '&c{0} died.'

# Values are CUSTOM, DEFAULT or OFF
type: CUSTOM
message: '&7{0} &8{ARROW_RIGHT} &7'

# should the server restart after a map reset. (uses the restart-Script in spigot.yml)
auto-restart-on-reset: false

# the name of you level from the server-properties
level-name: 'world'

# the name of the challenge world
challenges-world: 'challengeworld'

# set additional flags for the plugin
# - 'disable:no-sneak'

# don't change this on your own. Changing it might break stuff
reset-worlds: false

Debug Mode

Debug mode enables additional logging. Please enable this if sending a bug report.

Usage: debug: [true/false]


Flags are additional settings for the plugin.

  • disable:[mod-name] : This flag will disable the mod with the given name on the server. The name of the mod is the same as their respective config file name located in plugins/ChallengeSystem/mods/....