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Install a Spigot Server

Here you will find a quick guide on how to set up a Spigot server for the Challenge plugin.

Installing Java

This depends on the server version you want to run.

  • Below Minecraft 1.17: Java JDK 8 (Download)
  • Minecraft 1.17[.1]: Java JDK 16 (Download)
  • Above Minecraft 1.17.1: Java JDK 17 (Download)
  • Above Minecraft 1.19[.6]: Java JDK 21 (Download)

Check out the supported versions here: Requirements

Installing the Server

  1. Download the server jar from here or build it with BuildTools.
  2. Place the downloaded jar file in a new folder.
  1. Create a new startup script (start.bat) in the server directory to launch the JAR:
    @echo off
java -Xms#G -Xmx#G -XX:+UseG1GC -jar spigot.jar nogui

(where # is your allocated server memory in GB)

4. Double-click the start.bat file to start the server.


Make sure to replace spigot.jar with the name of the server jar you downloaded, if it is different!